Fresno Regional Foundation

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Plan a simple bequest

Including a charitable bequest in your will is a simple way to make a lasting gift to our community. When you make this gift through Fresno Regional Foundation, we establish a special fund that benefits the community forever and becomes your personal legacy of giving.

Why make a bequest

You can decide to make a bequest to charity at any age by adding to an existing will or drafting a new one. In doing so you leave a legacy to your community, while enjoying the assets you need to maintain your current lifestyle. Plus, you are able to distribute some or all of your assets, tax free.

How to bequeath a gift

  • You can give cash, appreciated stocks, or other assets.
  • Some of the most tax-efficient asset types to give through your estate plan come from retirement plan accounts, because heirs would be taxed on the income in respect of the decedent (IRD).
  • Through your will, you can choose to give a stated dollar amount, a specific property, a percentage of your estate, the remainder after distributions to other beneficiaries, or you can make your gift contingent on certain events.
  • Fresno Regional Foundation is happy to work with you and your professional advisor. Please note that the Foundation does not provide tax or legal advice. We encourage potential donors to consult their attorney or tax advisor before entering into a planned gift.

One of the easiest ways to give a lasting legacy: make the Foundation your qualified retirement plan beneficiary. To learn why this makes financial sense, contact us.


©2008 Fresno Regional Foundation: 5260 North Palm Avenue, Suite 228, Fresno, CA 93704 | T 559.226.5600 | F 559.230.2078| Email

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