Teen Pregnancy Prevention Grantmaking

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2016 Teen Pregnancy Prevention - Goals to Fund

The Central Valley Community Foundation (CVCF) will be awarding approximately $300,000 in grants for Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) in Fresno, Tulare, Madera, Merced, and Kings Counties. Two types of grants will be offered: Program and Planning

Program Grants

Program Grants will fund programs serving Fresno, Tulare, Madera, Merced and Kings Counties that provide comprehensive reproductive health service or youth development initiatives aimed at reducing teen pregnancy. Youth development initiatives should demonstrate working with young people and their families in such a way that allows them to develop leadership skills. Program grants will range between $20,000 to $25,000. The grant duration is one year. 

These grants will support organizations offering TPP programs that are:

  • Comprehensive
  • Medically accurate
  • Gender inclusive
  • Utilize evidence-based curriculum or evidence-informed curriculum with supporting data demonstrating program impact
  • Provide access or referrals to clinical services
Eligibility (These factors are all required for Program Grants only)
    • The program is medically accurate, comprehensive and free from bias.
    • The program is gender appropriate.
    • The program is culturally and linguistically competent for its target population.
    • The program demonstrates coordination and collaboration with partners
    • The program provides referrals to a family planning service provider (a letter of cooperation with a service provider can document this and should be submitted to program staff at [email protected]). NOTE: If the program is not providing reproductive health services we want to be certain young people can access services with the partner service provider.
    • Evidenced-based or evidence-informed with supporting data demonstrating program impact; 
Selection Criteria

See the Selection Criteria below for items that will cause the applicants proposal to receive a higher ranking.

Planning Grants

Planning grants may fund planning; training and development of staff and/or volunteers; training and education of evidence-based curriculum; gender-appropriate training and education for staff and volunteers; parent engagement programs; and/or peer outreach teams for programs serving Fresno, Tulare, Madera, Merced and Kings Counties. Planning grants will range between $20,000 to $25,000. The grant duration is one year. 

These grants are intended to support organizations to develop TPP programming by:

  • Purchasing evidence-based curriculum or informed-based curriculum that demonstrates impact, supported by data
  • Training staff
  • Identifying and partnering with clinic services
  • Including activities to support the implementation of programming
Selection Criteria for Planning and Program Grants (These are items that will cause the applicant's proposal to receive a higher ranking.)

  • Programs that:
    • have high impact and focus on the outcome
    • have a service provider referral system developed
    • have a youth development focus
    • involve parents or significant adult
    • define outcomes well
  • Includes activities that promote systems or policy change
  • Includes a sustainability plan for TPP programs
  • Partners with other organizations doing related work
  • Demonstrates knowledge of other organizations doing related work
  • Demonstrates the organization's long-standing and deep knowledge of the community
  • Demonstrates the organization's impact on long-term community change as it pertains to youth and their families
  • Demonstrates the financial health of applying organization
  • Provides grant-specific budget
  • Indicates how selected curriculum was modified (if applicable) 
  • Provides clarity on why this intervention was chosen for the targeted population

Additional Information

The Central Valley Community Foundation TPP Advisory Committee will conduct site visits for top applicants. 

Grants Information Session Resources

2015 Teen Pregnancy Prevention Granteess

  • ACT for Women and Girls ($100,000)ACTion, ACTivism and ImpACT on Teen Pregnancy in Tulare County - ACT for Women and Girls will mobilize teens to make an impact on teen pregnancy in Tulare County. This opportunity will support two of ACT's existing programs, Peer Education and SHAPE. ACT will amplify teen pregnancy prevention campaign efforts to reach over 20,000 teens and adults in the county.
  • Boys & Girls Clubs of Fresno County ($100,000)Teen Pregnancy Prevention - Expanding the Message of Safer Choices - Boys & Girls Clubs of Fresno County (B&GC) will provide comprehensive medically accurate sex education to low income youth of color. B&GC will expand the “Safer Choices” program to engage 992 youth and 530 parents in teen pregnancy prevention and workshops, aimed at reducing teen pregnancy.
  • Fresno Barrios Unidos ($100,000)Peer Health Ambassadors Program - Fresno Barrios Unidos (FBU) will 1) reduce teen pregnancy, 2) increase youths awareness of free and confidential health services, and 3) increase parents knowledge about reproductive sex and willingness to talk to their kids about . FBU will provide twenty youth with a "Peer Health Ambassadors Program". The peers will gain the skills and knowledge to provide outreach and education to 3,040 of their peers. FBU will provide 350 parents with a four session program on how to communicate with their kids about sex.
  • Madera Coalition for Community Justice ($25,000)Healthy Peers - Healthy Peers Program will provide comprehensive sex education to youth and parents through peer health educators, community workshops and integration with Madera Coalition for Community Justice's Parents as Leaders Program and Madera Youth Leaders. The goal of this planning grant is to build our capacity so we will be prepared to implement comprehensive sex education programming through our experienced parent and youth peer health educators.


  • Fresno Barrios Unidos: $100,000 for "Prevention Through Education" a program that combines evidence based program BART (Becoming a Responsible Teen) with additional sessions created by FBU to address other issues that relate to decision making. FBU will provide 400 parents with multi-session presentations on how to better communicate with their children about sex.
  • Boys 2 Men Girls 2 Women: $90,000 for I Decide: Teens Making Healthy Decisions a program for at-risk youth ages 13-19 in the impoverished and underserved Pinedale Community. The program will seek to reduce teen pregnancy by providing Reproductive Health Education and overcoming cultural barriers in the predominantly Latino Community.
  • The Latino Commission: $80,000 for Adelante Latina a health promotion program intended to empower Latina youth to reduce risk factors and become community educators and mentors regarding pregnancy, STD's and HIV prevention, self-efficacy and health care. Community forums will offer parents and elders opportunities to learn and support youth empowerment and effective intergenerational communication.
  • Madera Coalition for Community Justice: $25,000 for Teens and Parents Together to engage and provide services to youth residing in "teen pregnancy hot spots" with accurate sex education to understand reproductive health issues, make informed decisions, and be knowledgeable of community resources; to educate parents regarding teen sexuality and pregnancy prevention and play a more positive role in their children's lives.
  • Novelas Educativas: $21,908 for Yo Soy Tu Nina to build on work completed in 2013 with a stronger focus on Latino parents in the following communities: Huron, Farmersville, East Fresno, Madera, Parlier, and Woodlake. And continue to establish partnerships non-profits, faith-based organizations, and school districts.
  • Act for Women and Girls: $20,000 for Decreasing Teen Pregnancy in Woodlake, CA a planning grant to implement meaningful programming and to develop collaborative relationships in Woodlake, California to decrease teen pregnancy rates.
  • Woodlake High School: $20,000 for Youth Male Leadership (YML): My Strength a program that will assist the community on ways to address TPP and address the educational disparities and social outcomes for Pre-K to males.
In 2014, Fresno Regional Foundation published Investing in the Future, a publication sharing findings that have resulted from the Foundation's Teen Pregnancy Prevention Grantees and providing a unique look at this issue as it pertains to the Central Valley .

This research is an annual update the teen birth rates in California. For more information visit: teenbirths.phi.org
  • Although teen mothers who stay in school are just as likely to graduate as non-mothers, those who drop out before or shortly after childbirth are only half as likely to return to school and graduate as are non-mother dropouts. (p.2)
  • Pregnant teens are most likely to smoke during pregnancy. Smoking among pregnant and parenting teens appears to be highly related to pregnancy and early parenting related stress, and it is especially resistant to successful cessation. Even teen mothers who successfully quit smoking during pregnancy tend to relapse immediately or shortly after birth. (p. 3)
  • [In 2008], the current annual net costs to taxpayers of births to teen mothers in California are estimated to be $1.7 billion, and current annual total net costs to society run $3.8 billion. (p. 3)

This research is based on a nationally representative survey of 1,800 unmarried young adults aged 18-29 and is the first of its kind to focus in-depth on the attitudes and behavior of unmarried young adults—both men and women— regarding pregnancy planning, contraception, and related issues. 

The findings are contained in this report and include 20-somethings':

  • basic knowledge about and attitudes toward contraception,
  • motivation to use contraception carefully and consistently, and
  • attitudes and aspirations about relationships and forming families.

Toward a common future
To reduce teen pregnancy, it is critical to understand not only the behavior prevention efforts are trying to change, but also the beliefs and attitudes that influence those behaviors. To that end, The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy has conducted a number of surveys over the years to help youth service providers, media, educators, and the general public better understand the perspectives of teens and parents on sex, relationships, contraception, and other topics.

Teen Births in California
The Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health program, the Office of Family Planning, and the University of California at San Francisco are pleased to announce the release of Teen Births in California: A Resource for Planning and Policy. The resource shows California teen birth rates, differences by race and ethnicity, and comparisons at the Medical Service Study Area (MSSA) level. MSSAs, are sub-county areas comprised of contiguous census tracts that do not cross county boundaries. The main purpose of this resource is to identify locations in California with higher or lower teen birth rates based on births in 2004/2005 as well as comparing changes in teen birth rates from 2000/2001 to 2004/2005. Included are maps by county and MSSA displaying overall teen birth rates and rates by race and ethnicity. Also included are tables organized alphabetically by county and MSSA community/place name and number. Presenting the data geographically by race and ethnicity, and in table form, will assist the targeting of teen pregnancy-related and teen birth-related programs. Major funding for this effort was provided by Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant.

Adolescent Pregnancy and Childbearing in California
  • Poor and low-income teens account for 83% of teens who give birth and 85% of those who become an unmarried parent. (p. 10)
  • An estimated 50% to 60% of parenting teens have been sexually abused, compared to 25% to 30% national rate for never-pregnant teens. ( p. 16)
  • Children of parents with low educational attainment, occupation, and income are more likely to have sex at an early age, not use contraception consistently, and become pregnant or cause a pregnancy. (p. 17)
  • A second pregnancy is more likely for teens living apart from their parents, being below grade level, having dropped out of school, or growing up in a disadvantaged neighborhood where early parenting gives adult status rather than lost opportunity. (p. 23)
  • Nearly 80% of fathers of children born to teen mothers do not marry the mothers and only one out of five teen mothers receive any financial support from their child's father. (pp. 23-26)

    Maternity Before Maturity: Teen Birth Rates in California
    • Fathers of children born to teens are on average almost four years older than the mothers, and a majority is over the age of 21. (p. 5)
    • In 1997, one of every four children born to a teen mother had a father who met one of three criminal categories for statutory rape. (p. 5)

    Coming soon

    Teen Pregnancy Prevention Advisory Committee

    List of Evidence Based Curricula

    The curricula listed below are examples of evidence-based programs. How the Review Was Conducted provides more information on the review's criteria. The table also provides links to summary information about the implementation of each program and its supporting research evidence. The information is based on the research studies reviewed and on publicly available online sources. The implementation information is not exhaustive and may not reflect the most recent experience with each intervention. 

    For more listings of evidence-based TPP Programs please go to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

    Program Name


    Aban Aya Youth Project 

    Middle schools

    Adult Identity Mentoring (Project AIM)

    Middle schools


    Alternative high schools

    Assisting in Rehabilitating Kids (ARK)

    Substance use treatment facilities

    Be Proud! Be Responsible! 

    Middle schools, high schools, or CBOs

    Be Proud! Be Responsible! Be Protective!

    Middle schools, high schools, or CBOs

    Becoming a Responsible Teen (BART) 

    Middle schools, high schools, or CBOs

    Children’s Aid Society (CAS)—Carrera Program 



    Middle schools, high schools, or CBOs

    Draw the Line/Respect the Line

    Middle schools


    CBOs or clinics


    CBOs or clinics

    It’s Your Game: Keep it Real

    Middle schools

    Making a Difference!

    Middle schools or CBOs

    Making Proud Choices!

    Middle schools or CBOs

    Project TALC


    Promoting Health Among Teens! Comprehensive Abstinence and Safer Sex Intervention (formerly known as Comprehensive Abstinence and Safer Sex Intervention)

    Middle schools or CBOs

    Raising Healthy Children (formerly known as the Seattle Social Development Project)

    Elementary schools 

    Reducing the Risk

    High schools

    Rikers Health Advocacy Program (RHAP)

    CBOs or youth detention facilities

    Safer Sex 

    CBOs or clinics


    CBOs or clinics

    Sexual Health and Adolescent Risk Prevention (SHARP)  (formerly known as HIV Risk Reduction Among Detained Adolescents)

    Youth detention facilities

    Sisters Saving Sisters 

    CBOs or clinics

    Teen Health Project


    Teen Outreach Program 

    Middle schools, high schools, or CBOs

    Organizations interested in Teen Pregnancy Prevention are encouraged to become a part of the Regional Collaborative as they are an excellent resource for experienced practitioners and local, state and national information. Please contact Celeste Ramos, Representative for the Central Valley Regional TPP Collaborative.

    © 2016 Central Valley Community Foundation: 5260 North Palm Avenue, Suite 122, Fresno, CA 93704 | T (559) 226-5600 | F (559) 230-2078| Extranet

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